William R. Matthews

Photo of William R. Matthews

Performance Consultant

Alteris Group, LLC

370 E. Maple, Suite 350, Birmingham, MI 48009

Certified Organizational Engineer II and Contributor

About the company

Alteris Group is a consulting firm with offices in Birmingham, MI and Silicon Valley. The firm was launched in 2002 by drawing together experts with established credentials in the consulting community. The firm maintains a presence in the High Technology, Healthcare and Automotive practice areas. The firm’s competency centers in marketing, communications and human performance areas. The firm’s POD (point of difference) is its ability to undertake large-scale projects using a fully integrated approach. Clients are moved from their existing postion to a materially higher level while maintaining organizational integration. The goal is to yield benefits to the entire organization, not simply the units involved in the intervention.


"You Can’t Lead a Team to Water, But You Can Help it Think: Organizational Engineering for Improving Team Performance". The Journal of High Performance Teams and Organizations.


Please contact Bill regarding his availability.


Mr. Matthews has over 20 years experience in professional human factors activities. He launched his career in family and rehabilitation service in governmental and non-profit organizations. His interest shifted to organizational performance in 1992 when he decided to use his rapport building and intervention skills on a broader scale.

Since entering the realm of organizational performance, Mr. Matthews has developed particular expertise in developing large-scale programs and interventions. He employs a variety of tools including simulations, games, alternative delivery mechanisms and internal consulting systems. He has acted as a consultant on issues involving organizational change, leadership, customer service, management development as well as other areas of business activity.

Mr. Matthews holds a MA in Guidance/Counseling and a BA in Sociology. He holds a position as adjunct lecturer at the University of Michigan—Dearborn. He is the author of several books in the area of human factors and has contributed chapters in various compilations. He is a frequent speaker at various professional associations (e.g., ISPI, IFA, Simulation & Gaming Association) and has authored multiple articles for various journals and professional publications.